Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pre-school with Zachary

Well, Zachary starts pre-school on Thursday and the open house was yesterday. I took off work early so I could go. He did pretty good, started crying a little bit at first but he warmed up to it after a few minutes. He is so cute when he starts to cry. His chin trembles and his little lower lip curls, just breaks your heart. What a guy. Once he got over being scared (and found the toy trains!) he was fine and was explaining to the teachers how trains are supposed to be played with. That is typical Zachary, he likes to go into new things at his own pace. He will sit back and watch for a few minutes, then try it, but you can't rush him. I guess he is like me in that way, I always study and watch before I do something new.

Other than that, just a typical Monday. Oh, I did have a nice allergy attack just as we were leaving the school. My left eye started itching like crazy, then turned red and actually swelled up in one spot. But it seems to be OK this morning, if a tad dry. Not sure what started it, maybe someones perfume, or maybe some of the weird blue sand the kids were playing with in the sand-table. Maybe a speck of that got in my eye?

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