Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ummm... ya see....

I suck at blogging. That is all.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

God shaped hole

We tend to throw that saying around a lot, but I am starting to understand it. Just finished a 10 week bible study with our pastor and it really got me thinking. Plus everything at church has just been hitting home lately. Our church is doing some amazing things right now. I've never gone to a church that is so pro-active and mission based. Grace is actually reaching out to the community and doing things and we are seeing real tangible results. Plus Grace is partnering with other churches in Gainesville, instead of competing with them. Denny and Rick are teaching us what we are really supposed to be doing: reaching out and helping others and teaching them about Jesus.

But I am struggling to find my place. Or rather to acknowledge my own shortcomings and commit to doing something about them. I am having a hard time letting go of certain sins that I know are keeping me from being who and what I should be. But it is causing me to pray and talk to God a whole lot more and to really think about me. reading the Bible a lot more and understanding it a lot better. I am very broken and am definitely a work in progress, but I think I am heading the right way.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

CHS '89 Reunion

Sweet. Up to 124 old friends from school that I have found on FB. Now in the planning stages of our 20 year reunion and for some reason I dove right in and made myself important to the process. Still it is worth it to find people I literally haven't spoken to for 20 years. Found friends that left before we graduated which is even more special. I had forgotten what a great bunch of people I went to school with!

Friday, December 19, 2008

20 years?!!??!?!

Holy cow! My 20 year HS reunion is next year! 20 years?!? No way! All my old chums have been suddenly appearing on FB, which is cool, plus I have found a few long lost peeps. Now if I can just get them to write back! Funny, as I add friends and suggest friends on FB, I keep trying to remember "Did they hate each other in HS? Should I contact them?" But I figure it's all good. Can't believe where some of my friends are... Australia, New Zealand, Philadelphia (seriously, who wants to live in Philly?) Good to find old friends and re-connect, though.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I have a blog?

Seriously, I think a year between posts is about right. It's not like my life is all that interesting anyway.

But, I'm going to start using this thing again because I'm getting itchy to vent I guess. Nothing in particular, just a good place to ramble.

Not riding my bike like I should. Keep thinking about it, but work seems to leave soooo exhausted that I don't have the energy when I get home. Plus, it cuts into my time with Amy and the kids. I really should get up at 5am every morning and ride before work, but I really can't see that happening. Maybe next year I can re-arrange my schedule some. Sigh...

I have a lot of political stuff in my head, but I think I will save that for a post of it's own. Suffice it to say, I will be glad when the elections are over. At least the economy should improve. It always seems to be lousy during election years.

Good things are we have a new church that we love. Grace at Fort Clarke UMC. Very happy there. We have been going since Easter and like it more each day. Will devote another post to this exclusively.

Children are awesome. Shayla is walking and starting to talk and Zach is too smart for his own good. I love them so much. I can't believe we have been blessed with such beautiful kids.

Hmmmm... I'll formulate a post for my political feelings tonight and post it tomorrow. I would post it from home, but the PC is in the shop and I'm not sure if I will have it back or not. Sigh...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pre-school with Zachary

Well, Zachary starts pre-school on Thursday and the open house was yesterday. I took off work early so I could go. He did pretty good, started crying a little bit at first but he warmed up to it after a few minutes. He is so cute when he starts to cry. His chin trembles and his little lower lip curls, just breaks your heart. What a guy. Once he got over being scared (and found the toy trains!) he was fine and was explaining to the teachers how trains are supposed to be played with. That is typical Zachary, he likes to go into new things at his own pace. He will sit back and watch for a few minutes, then try it, but you can't rush him. I guess he is like me in that way, I always study and watch before I do something new.

Other than that, just a typical Monday. Oh, I did have a nice allergy attack just as we were leaving the school. My left eye started itching like crazy, then turned red and actually swelled up in one spot. But it seems to be OK this morning, if a tad dry. Not sure what started it, maybe someones perfume, or maybe some of the weird blue sand the kids were playing with in the sand-table. Maybe a speck of that got in my eye?

Monday, August 20, 2007

Went out and rode yesterday. Not as far but at a higher tempo. Felt pretty good. My legs felt like chunks of wood last night, though, especially my calves. Feel pretty good this morning. Prolly take today off. Zachary's open house is this afternoon and then Amy wants to go the gym so I will stay home with the kids. I guess I can do some sit-ups and push-ups if I am feeling particularly masochistic.