Sunday, May 16, 2010

God shaped hole

We tend to throw that saying around a lot, but I am starting to understand it. Just finished a 10 week bible study with our pastor and it really got me thinking. Plus everything at church has just been hitting home lately. Our church is doing some amazing things right now. I've never gone to a church that is so pro-active and mission based. Grace is actually reaching out to the community and doing things and we are seeing real tangible results. Plus Grace is partnering with other churches in Gainesville, instead of competing with them. Denny and Rick are teaching us what we are really supposed to be doing: reaching out and helping others and teaching them about Jesus.

But I am struggling to find my place. Or rather to acknowledge my own shortcomings and commit to doing something about them. I am having a hard time letting go of certain sins that I know are keeping me from being who and what I should be. But it is causing me to pray and talk to God a whole lot more and to really think about me. reading the Bible a lot more and understanding it a lot better. I am very broken and am definitely a work in progress, but I think I am heading the right way.

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